

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes. <3



The pitter-patter of rain on my window has always been my most cherished song. I close my eyes so composedly that I fear I may fall asleep instantly. There are colors that whorl through my mind so precipitately, so expeditiously that I feel the shapes taking place, the places, the people, the moments, the nightmares! I am coerced to reopen my eyes. I have no doubt that it has only been seconds since I closed them, yet I feel like I have blacked out for hours. My heart races and my breath hastens into a raspy cacophony. A sense of urgency and fear cling to my skin and bones. The pulse of the rain sooths me once more as I lay on my back.

It is in this moment of pure sanity that I can finally breath and it is with that last calm yet algid breath that thoughts of you crash onto me. The agony in my gut lacerates my insides for just a moment and then a certain vivacity levitates me and I know in that very instant that I'm yours, and I shall always be yours. I look around and see nothing but pure darkness, I can barely make out the shapes around me, my hand reaches out and comes in contact with your yielding warmth. I smile lightly. My timid fingers trace your cheek bones, your lips entrance my eyes for more than a few moments and memories fill the empty spaces of my mind.

It is the moment we met, and although that night is as pronounced in my mind as the pages of my favorite book, the details do not come clearly, I am intoxicated. Your strong arms take hold of my waist and my head fits perfectly into your neck. A smile dances upon my lips and I breath profoundly. Serenity at last. Your easeful and saccharine lips brush swiftly past my cheeks and I intake frigid air. You smile teasingly, you know me all too well, and your effects. I close my eyes again and enjoy the fact that I feel impervious in your stalwart arms. You whisper sweet nothings in my ear and suddenly there is nothing more tonight then what we are, what we always have been. What no one can change. There is nothing left other then our profound sleep and simple serendipity.



Today I'm going to show you all another journal entry. This one I wrote about 3 months ago, and I hope you all enjoy it.

Tender hands like the soft falling of leaves caress my face. Sleep fills my eyes and my shoulders droop downward. My eyelids weigh bricks as my head leans foward. The serenity of this embrace sleeps my mind as my head turns, my lips meet his and my eyelids close. Then everything goes black...deep like an abyss.

When light resurfaces to my eyes I remember how sore my body is and the noise in my head crashes painfully as it returns. I turn to the side the embrace is gone and I sigh as I realize my imagination took over my reality once more. No matter at least I slept in peace. My eyes turn towards my phone to see the time. 8am. Two hours, that's how long I had managed to submurge myself in my own subconcious. I try to remember what I dreamt about- all I can remember is darkness. Better that than another nightmare.

I looked at the phone again. No new messages, no missed calls. I close my eyes in pain, the noise doesn't cease. My head thumps terribly. I sigh, how I wish I could fall asleep again. I grab the pill box out of the bedside table and my water bottle. I swallowed and then tears ran down my face as I lay on my back. I felt the lump in my throat, the one that always threatens to burst into screams of hysteria... I bite my lip hard enough to draw blood, but it drowns my anguish and I can remain silent- I must not wake anyone up with silly childish pain.

The medication begins to work and I feel the silence crippling to my mind. My eyelids turn heavy and everything is dark once more.

Images race through my mind. Colors, whirlwinds they are filled with life and pure beauty. But the colors begin to burn my eyes, then everything turns gray. Then it all morphs into a face, the face that belongs to the hands that caress my own face. Oh how I long for that face! To feel my burning lips against your warmth. Pain rips through my veins out through my skin and I wake up with a gasp...

Tender hands really do caress my head. These though, are worn out from decades of work. They smell like onions and spices, they relxax me. My mother.

"Have some breakfast" she tells me in her honey-sweet voice "It heals a broken heart."



La Dolce Vita

To be able to feel the wind on our faces, to jump, hop, and laugh with your friends so hard that your cheeks hurt. To run in the rain. To drink wine straight out of the bottle and non-alcoholic cocktails on hot summer days. Crying so that we may feel better and doing something crazy! To hear the birds singing and to feel the sun on your face. To see the sunrise and then the sunset. Kissing in the rain and dancing in the middle of the street. Screaming as loud as possible, knowing how to love and be loved in return. Laying in the middle of nowhere and watching the stars all night long.

Having good conversation and drinking hot chocolate. Saying what we need to say. Forgetting our problems for an instant. Making someone smile. Getting a cute text and trying something new and exotic. Travelling to a far away place and having an adventure without leaving the house. Meeting new people and catching up with old friends. Eating out. Not thinking about tomorrow and having faith.

Kissing that special someone before it's too late....

There are so many amazing things that we almost forget that life is beautiful.



Human Rights

Human Rights:

We are all born free and equal.
You have the right not to be discriminated.
You have the right to life.
You have the right not to be enslaved.
You have the right to have protection from torture.
You have rights no matter where you go!
We are all equal before the law.
Your human rights are protected by law.
You have to right to not be detained unfairly.
You have the right to trial.
You have the right to be innocent util proven guilty.
You have the right to privacy.
You have the right to move.
You have the right to seek a safe place to live.
You have the right to a nationality.
You have the right to marry and have a family.
You have the right to your own things.
You have the right to think as you please.
You have the right to express yourself!
You have the right to a public assembly.
You have the right to demcracy.
You have the right to social security.
You have worker's rights!
You have the right to play.
You have the right to food and shelter.
You have the right to an education.
You have the right of copyright.
You have the right to a fair and free world.
You have the right to have responsibility.
No one can take your human rights away.

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because you have the right to know"

P.S. Click the tittle of this post to watch an amazing clip about these rights. It takes only a few minutes and it won't hurt you.